McGovern Medical School - University of Texas Health Science Center
Houston, Texas
Emma Omoruyi, MD, MPH
Program Director
Shirlene Edwards and Yaki Swanson
Program Coordinator
We have a widely diverse population of patients going through the Texas MedicalCenter, and work to manage a volume of patients that will encourage bothlearning and efficiency to help when going into independent practice. Our patients population ranges from routine evaluations to complex chronic medical problems requiring a multidisciplinary approach with interventions, and ourresidents are present every step of the way to learn how to navigate the ins and outs of patient care.
We have done a large revamp on wellness at our program and have made it a huge priority with the help of a wellness grant at our program. The activities we are able to arrange through the grant include resident yoga, cooking lessons, and meditation sessions to name a few, with a total of 12 sessions planned for the academic year.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion continues to be at the forefront of our program with the guidance of our new leadership. We are developing an inclusive environment through trainings, workshops for both the residents and administrative staff, and holistic review processes.
Yearly class size: 24 categorical pediatrics, 8 internal medicine-pediatrics, 3 child neurology, and 1 pediatric genetics residents.
Fellowship opportunities: Critical care, NICU, GI, Endo, Pulmonology, Cardiology, Child Abuse pediatrics, Infectious disease, and Nephrology.
Program tracks: leadership, global health, physician advocacy, physician educator, and, integrative medicine
Large city with 2.3 million residents!
An incredible food scene with every type of cuisine imaginable
Multiple concert venues attracting both indie artists, country musicians, and pop-stars
Local sports teams including Astros, Rockets, Houston Texans, Men and Women’s professional soccer
Art and history museums, large zoo, many green spaces with playgrounds and dog parks
New X+Y Curriculum with improved continuity clinic experience
Weekly program-wide academic half days with board review
Flexibility in multiple sub-specialty electives to have a wide-array of clinical
Diversity and Inclusion has also come to the forefront of our program under the guidance of our new leadership
Ongoing trainings and workshops for both the residents and administrative staff
Holistic Review of all applicants
LGBTQ+ education through our adolescent medicine department
Inclusion of global health during academic half day lectures
Working with our pediatrics department’s Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to track and build transparency around our metrics